Wednesday 2 February 2011

Magazine DPS for 'Homework'

I had fun creating this Magazine Double Page Spread. I created it to contain an interview with a design company called Homework. I used my Vector skills on Adobe Illustrator to create the letters for the heading. I took inspiration from the design company itself but added my own design touch to it. I think it works well as magazine spread as it looks contemporary and innovative.

Childrens Book Illustrations

My brief at the moment is to effectively illustrate a children's story book. 
I have already written my story so these are some of my favorite development 
pages showing my initial approach to visually communicating illustrations 
using non-traditional media. 

Logo Generation

This is some development pages in progress of creating a logo for a Graphic Design blog I am in the process of designing at this very moment. I'm working on the blog in a group of four, where I was chosen to be the Art Director as they agreed I had the appropriate approach to take it on. The theme of using ink and a modern type is consistent because the style of my blog is going to use vintage textures, using this modern logo on top of these will suit the style and mood I am trying to convey which is 'Making Old New'. I'm sure the finished blog will look contemporary, eye-catching and something to look forward to seeing in the near future.

Ransom Notes

Here are some Book Jackets I designed for Hunter S Thompson books. I went through a lot of development before deciding on what the final concept was going to be. Experimenting with non-traditional media and materials was vital on this brief as I learnt a lot about what moods and themes a texture give off is vital.